Emma Losin & Rebekah Little

Data Driven Narrative Design

Tim Tam Slam Arena, 15:30 AEDT

How we use data across media platforms to inform narrative beats and themes, and turn the information into usable formats for designers and writers.

Convergence of narrative structure and beats of existing IP across media to game formats as well as creative solutions in data analysis for optimization, retention and monetization.

Emma Losin & Rebekah Little

Emma Losin & Rebekah Little

Emma (@okayosprey) is a game designer with product management responsibilities. She has Bachelor degrees in Psychological Sciences, Game Design and Diplomas in Interactive Digital Media and Visual Art. Nominated and received a special mention for Ingames Awards 2019, was a Different Games Ambassador in 2019, 2020 and 2021 and is a mentor both at Mighty Kingdom and in her spare time. She has run workshops alongside Mighty Kingdom, Red Cross and HerTechPath and has been regularly invited to present at industry events.

Rebekah (@theducknebula) is a life-long learner with a passion for environmental narrative design and community outreach programs. Her qualifications include an Advanced Diploma of Digital Development (Game Design), First Class Honours in Physics specializing in particle astrophysics and a Master of Teaching (Secondary). This year, Rebekah has been the keynote speaker for the SA NYSF orientation day and was shortlisted for the Women in Games University or College Student Achievement or Portfolio Award.

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